
Disability Awareness

As one of the programmatic areas of HSV TN VALLEY AMBUCS we provide Disability Awareness to local groups and events. One of our major Disability Awareness Projects reaches out to Scouts each year at ScoutReach Cultural Awareness Day. This is a yearly event geared to assist scouts in obtaining Belt Loops and Badges.

HSV AMBUCS provides two (2) 1.5 hour hands-on training seminars that enable Scouts to qualify for their Disability Awareness Belt Loops. Our curriculum for 2012 will include the following workstations which fulfill the Scouting objectives listed below.

Tour of the AMBUCS Mobile Demo Trailer & AmTryke Models

Meet/interview MS Wheelchair Alabama

Hands-On participation in building an Amtryke Model

Create AmTryke Artwork to be utilized in Special Scouting Fundraising Notecard Set to be shared at Scout meeting.

Disabilities Awareness Belt Loop and Pin Requirements

Complete these three requirements:
  1. Visit with a friend, family member, classmate, or other person with disabilities. Find out what this person enjoys and what this person finds difficult.
  2. Attend a disabilities event such as an Easter Seals event, Special Olympics, a performance with sign language interpretation, an activity with Guiding Eyes dogs, or a wheelchair race. Tell your adult leader what you thought about the experience.
  3. Make a display about one or more disabilities. It can include physical, learning, or mental challenges. Share the display at a pack meeting.